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Tiantong No.1 WX mobile system to date the most detailed "spoiler"

Date: 2018-10-17
Views: 73

For a long time, WX communication has played an important role in field exploration, border patrol, earthquake relief and other activities because of its advantages of wide coverage, flexible networking and not limited by geographical environment.

However, due to the insufficient number of small terminals, various types of equipment, and the lack of interconnection and interoperability, the rapid mobile communication needs of rescue teams are still not met.

Against this background, the WX mobile system came into being. This article will give you a detailed explanation of the origin and development of WX mobile system.


First, the WX is going to run.

In July 2008, academicians Sun Jiadong and Shen Rongjun jointly wrote a letter **, calling for speeding up the construction of China's own WX mobile communication system.

After more than three years of demonstration and design, in 2011, China's first WX mobile communication system - Tiantong No. 1 WX mobile communication system project officially started.

Tiantong-1 WX mobile communication system is a WX mobile communication system independently developed and constructed in China, and also an important part of China's spatial information infrastructure. The system consists of space segment, ground segment and user terminal. The space segment is planned to be composed of multiple geosynchronous orbit mobile communication WX.

In August 6, 2016, WX was launched successfully in Xichang. At present, WX is carrying out on-orbit testing, ground applications, operation and control systems are undergoing integrated joint testing, soon, the whole system will be officially operational.


Two. About Tiantong WX

At 0:22 on August 6, 2016, China successfully launched Tiantong-1 01 satellite into space with Long March No. 3 B carrier rocket at Xichang WX launch center, which is the first launch star of China's WX mobile communication system.

Tiantong No. 1 WX is based on Dongfanghong No. 4 platform. The launch weight is 5400 kg. The design life is 12 years.

Tiantong-1 WX has 109 land-point beams, which cover the territory, territorial sea and within the chain of one island. At the same time, there are two sea-area beams covering the western Pacific (within the chain of two islands) and the northern Indian Ocean (the Bay of Bengal, the Andaman Sea).

Operating frequency band: User link is S band, feeder link is C band, both the uplink and downlink transmission of user link and feeder link are FDD / TDMA / FDMA mode. It can support 1 million users at the same time.

On August 13, Tiantong-1 WX communication antenna was successfully launched; on August 18, Tiantong-1 WX transponder was successfully opened.

At present, WX is carrying out on-orbit testing, ground applications, operation and control systems are undergoing integrated joint testing, soon, the whole system will be officially operational.

Three. Ground operation: the exclusive paragraph is being replied.

Tiantong No.1 WX mobile system is responsible for system operation and publicity and promotion by China Telecom WX communications.

China Telecom is the only operator with WX mobile communication license in China's basic telecommunications operators, operating the Tiantong-01 satellite ground service exclusively, providing customers with "space-earth-air integration" of all-round communication security services.

It is understood that as Tiantong No. 1 WX mobile system "operational responsibility", China Telecom Group WX Communications Co., Ltd. next generation WX Mobile Communication Development Center Deputy General Manager Han Miao recently said that the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology is approving new segment resources, dedicated to Tiantong No. 1 ground mobile communications.

Four, terminal supports Android system, seamless switching with ground 4G network.

At present, the terminals supporting Tiantong-1 WX mobile system include hand-held, portable, on-board, data acquisition and other forms.

Let's talk about the handheld terminal that we care most about.


At present, the mobile terminal which supports Tiantong-1 WX mobile system adopts Android operating system and supports Chinese user interface. The interface application program and operation mode are basically the same as ordinary mobile phone. It can operate skillfully without training.

What is even more surprising is that the mobile phone is multi-mode and compatible with ground 4G mobile communication.

Other data: mobile phone supports 1.2 kbps-9.6 kbps, voice, data, SMS services and positioning functions; weighs less than 250g, standby time 72 hours, working time 6 hours.

Five. Various types of business that can be provided.

According to the introduction, Tiantong-1 on-orbit test shows that Tiantong-1 WX mobile system has been able to basically achieve all the functions of ground communications.

Voice can dial any global fixed and mobile phone.

Short messages, which support short messages in and out of the network, can be interconnected with the public mobile terminals on the ground.

Fax rate 9.6kbps;

Beidou positioning function, all terminal products are built-in Beidou receiving capacity, support based on Beidou / GPS position management and control;

Data transmission/Internet access/video return, data transmission rate 9.6-384 kbps Internet access rate 64-384 kbps.

After that, it will provide a variety of value-added services, including voice value-added services, access services, cloud services, intelligent network services, online data processing and transaction processing services, storage and forwarding services, multiple communications services, information services, communications services.

Six, about the future

The launch of Tiantong No.1 01 star is just the beginning of WX mobile communication system in China.

According to the plan, Tiantong 1 02 and 03 stars will gradually evolve, using the new Dongfanghong 5 WX platform, improve the power of the whole satellite and antenna caliber, to support broadband communications with greater capacity.

After the launch, they will be deployed on the 01 sides of the East and west respectively, forming a normal coverage of the Middle East Pacific Ocean, the India ocean area and the "one belt and one road" area.

With the development and popularization of the WX mobile system, Tiantong-1 will play an important role in improving the level of mobile communication and emergency communication in China. It will become an indispensable information infrastructure for economic construction and national defense construction and meet the needs of the government, the army, the industry and the public. User needs.

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